2012/10: TOKİgiller Yaşam Mücadele Rehberi

The main problem that this Survival Manual for Toki Dwellers is focusing on are: The lost of social interactivity and communication that cannot be transformed from their domestic lives through their individual will or communal practices.
Both physical conditions and methodological organization segregates and prevents the activation of the TOKI dwellers. The question is: Is it possible to create emancipatory public spaces, the search for the spatial justice in such building blocks, which are segregating the urban life, erasing the social and cultural practices, and devastating the notion of “place”. “Place” gains it’s meaning and empower within the everyday life and heritage of socio-cultural accumulation. How is possible if everything related to “place” has been devastated? This is not an easy question to answer.
This manual has the provocative and triggering role in order to remind our common demand on to act and communicate in a common and collective spatial organization. Thus, the demands and needs of TOKI dwellers are very vital and important.