2018/10: Green Commons/ Yeşil Müşterekler // Transmaking (art/culture/economy to democratize society) / Kuzguncuk Bostanı

Gardens, parks agricultural areas and plants are reduced sharply, especially in big cities such as Istanbul, due to expanding constructions and urban settlements although we still need oxygen to live and the agricultural products are still the basic needs of our kitchens. This reduction of green areas and growing air pollution are the important reasons of ruining quality of life due to increasing diseases desperately besides the aesthetic and architectural concerns.
Citizens, civil platforms and academics, still spend their time and energy for more planting separately. As the awareness and interest to the organic life, perm culture and planting is growing within some parts of the community, we are asking whether it is possible or not to combine the energies and interests of different stakeholders who are working on this issue. Through a panel of “Urban Planting as a Public Movement” we would like to gather the parties and search for the answer through a collaborative work for this common purpose. Thus it can likely be possible to take the steps all together to make this way of thinking common within the public to increase planting in the city and strengthen each other through engagement.
Panel Hakkında Detaylı Bilgi almak için tıklayınız.
“Kamusalı Yapmak / Public in the Making” Relais Culture Europe (Paris) tarafından yönetilen, 14 ülkeden 20 kurum ve 150’nin üzerinde bireyin doğrudan parçası olduğu, Horizon 2020 tarafından desteklenen “Trans-making: Art / Culture / Economy to Democratize Society. Research in Placemaking for Alternative Narratives” (https://trans-making.eu/) projesi kapsamında, projenin Türkiye ortakları İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi ve İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi ve BİS tarafından AICA, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, PASAJ, Karşı Sanat, Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi, Europist işbirliğiyle düzenleniyor, amberPlatform tarafından koordine ediliyor.