2022/05 Turkey Design Council – Open Studio
Open Studio met at Kuzguncuk Pier on Wednesday, May 25 with the participation of Architect Boğaçhan Dündaralp! Open Studio brings...
2022/03 ArchCAREER – ArtITU
Organized by the ITU Student Club every year in March, ArchCAREER Summit aims to show the fixed concept of "architects"...
2021/12 Christmas Tree Forest / Maçka Art Gallery
Thank you very much for the invitation to the 'Christmas Tree Forest' exhibition @omer_selcukbaz Being in Maçka Art Gallery, which...
2021/12 Flora İstanbul Talks: Orchards
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbpbPQkK2V8&ab_channel=ehirDedektifi ❝We are together again in Flora Istanbul speeches 🌿 This time we are going from discovery to production and...
2021/08: Archicad 25 Launch DDRLP Success Story
We were part of this launch as a team and we talked about our office and practice, as well as...
2021/08: Archicad 25 Launch DDRLP Succes Story
We were a part of this launch as a team and we talked about our office and practice, as well...
2021/08 Archicad 25 Turkey Launch
Reach the online event from here. https://www.instagram.com/p/CS4MWbCtLrP/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CS4MTr0te9O/
2018/10: Green Commons/ Yeşil Müşterekler // Transmaking (art/culture/economy to democratize society) / Kuzguncuk Bostanı
Gardens, parks agricultural areas and plants are reduced sharply, especially in big cities such as Istanbul, due to expanding constructions...
2015/03: Mimarlık Lisansüstü Seminer / Architecture Postgraduate Seminars / Mardin Artuklu University & Goethe Institut
2015/03: Rural Commons / Kırsal Birliktelik / workshop / Mardin Artuklu University
Rural Commons / Kırsal Birliktelik Mardin Artuklu University – Architecture Faculty Workshop in Mardin: Hamburg Sanat ve Tasarım Akademisi & MAU Mimarlık...